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Recently Added On Susan Arruda Workouts
Bandastic Abs
Adding versatile and “bandastic” bands to the training mix to challenge the abs and core is a variety plus! Changing…
⏱️ 15 min
Resistance Bands / Tubing, Mat
Sculpt Legs For Accelerated Burn
Sculpting the legs and booty at a fast pace for that double muscle and fat burn effect, using loads that…
⏱️ 40 min
Dumbbells, Resistance Bands / Tubing, Bosu ball, Flat Bench or Sturdy Platform
Tight On Time Legs! – This workout is fire!
We are going to flip being tight on time on his head in this workout! We often feel that if…
⏱️ 15 min
Turbo Tabata Triceps Duo
Target training the triceps to sculpt and shape this common trouble spot with maximum time efficiency and effectiveness! This all…
⏱️ 15 min
Dumbbells, Stability ball, Flat Bench or Sturdy Platform