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Recently Added On Susan Arruda Workouts

Maximum muscle burn for mega fat burn – Total Body
In this workout we are utilizing multiple muscle groups, compound moves, dynamic combos and varying loads to burn out the…
⏱️ 50 min
Dumbbells, Body Bar or Weighted / Pro Olympic Bar, Medicine ball(s), Stability ball

Core Challenge
This is a plank-tastic workout utilizing the instability factor of the stability ball to add a superior challenge for the…
⏱️ 10 min
Stability ball

Abs & Adductors-Double AA Workout
Get ready for a targeted power duo workout designed to strengthen your abs and often overlooked adductors (inner thighs). This session uses a stability ball to isolate and…
⏱️ 12 min
Stability ball, Mat

Landmine Abs – Killer Burn
If you’re looking for a next level abs workout, this one’s for you! We are challenging the lower abs and…
⏱️ 12 min
Body Bar or Weighted / Pro Olympic Bar