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Recently Added On Susan Arruda Workouts

Chisel Sculpt
A fast paced total body resistance based workout that will keep your heart rate up to increase your metabolism in…
⏱️ 30 min
Dumbbells, Flat Bench or Sturdy Platform

Trio Trouble Spots Terminator
This workout is an all out assault on those trouble spots that women complain about the most; Legs, abs and…
⏱️ 45 min
Dumbbells, Flat Bench or Sturdy Platform

Abs & Adductors and Deep Core
In this in this unique, targeted core sculpting workout, we hit the abs, obliques, and deep core while integrating inner…
⏱️ 15 min
Dumbbells, Mat

Workout-Plyo Power Compound Sculpt & Sweat
This energizing challenge is designed to torch fat, build strength, and push endurance with a high-intensity blend of plyometrics, compound…
⏱️ 50 min
Dumbbells, Body Bar or Weighted / Pro Olympic Bar, Stability ball, Flat Bench or Sturdy Platform