Frequently Asked Questions

I Own Some of Susan’s Programs – Where Do I Access Them?

Please continue accessing those programs at the current location, the same place you always have :

I know it is a bit of a bother to have two destinations to log in to, but we are working hard to move all of those legacy programs to a new online home, and we will continue to communicate with you as each program is moved.

Completion date for all programs is sometime in August 2024.

Thank you for your patience!


I already own some of Susan’s Programs. Is the Susan Arruda Workouts Membership Something Separate?

My stand-alone, or “legacy” programs are separate from my membership site. These programs are designed with an ownership option and are usually focused on a particular fitness goal and some include meal plans; the programming is intensive and the price point is much higher, $59-$400.

However, as a member of my Susan Arruda Workouts platform, you will get a 20% discount on any of my legacy programs going forward. We designed my Susan Arruda Workouts platform to be a low-cost option with loads of variety, no long term commitment, with a dash of programming so you have a fitness plan to get you started and help you stay committed to your fitness lifestyle.

The Sculpted Slim & Sexy Program alone has sold for over $259, so this platform is loaded with value!

Is there a variety of workouts and equipment?

YES! If I had a middle name, it would probably be “variety!” There is a wide variety of workouts and I love to use different equipment, from dumbbells, barbells/body bars, walls, Bosu balls, foam roller, exercise bands, stability ball and good old-fashioned pumping iron type workouts.

Do I have access to everything I see here?

Yes, and even what you DON’T see here yet, because I add new workouts and content regularly! Your VIP membership includes everything that I am releasing going forward as well! As long as your monthly billing is up to date, there are no restrictions, and you can cancel anytime.

I’ve been out of it for a while but I’m looking to get back on top of my fitness game, can this workout platform help me?

Yes! A perfect starting point for you would be the “just getting back at it” seven-day block that you can repeat for several weeks.